The Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that households headed by unauthorized immigrants pay an estimated $12 billion in taxes each year. Out of fear some immigrants use fake Social Security numbers, paying an estimated $11-13 billion in Social Security taxes per year for benefits they will never receive. Those monies go into the IRS Earnings Suspension File and add to the cash flow for the Social Security Administration. In 2010, these unauthorized immigrants paid $121.6 million in personal, property and sales taxes in Indiana. So, illegal immigrants contribute to the well-being of the economy at the local, state and national levels.
It is a shame that Messer begrudges children who are U.S. citizens a paltry $2.74 a day credit when he makes $174,000 for approximately 138 legislative sessions each year and his wife receives a $20,000 a month stipend from Fishers, IN regardless of the work she does from her suburban Washington D.C. home.
Yes, Messer is right when he says hardworking families are being punished. And I agree with him that "most Hoosiers get it."