Monday, August 14, 2017

It's time to pick a side

In referring to Charlottesville, Trump stated: ""We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides." There are really only two sides but I agree with him that both sides hate. One side hates non-whites, non-Christians and non-straights. The other side hates hate. It is time to pick a side. Choosing to stay above the fray or acting indifferently is tantamount to picking a side. Silence is complicity. There is no middle ground here.

Hate speech is not unconstitutional and rightly so. But if you're comfortable seeing the American flag being proudly flown alongside the flags favored by the alt-right including the Nazi and KKK flags, then you're on the wrong side. And for you patriots who think Colin Kaepernick is a traitor, you're on the wrong side. If you don't think that Trump should fire Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka and Stephen Miller, White House advisers who have ties to or have been supportive of the alt-right, then you're on the wrong side. And if you don't know the name Heather Heyer, a name Trump refuses to mention, then you're on the wrong side.

The Daily Stormer, a website very popular with the alt-right, knows of Heather Heyer. An article posted on the Stormer called Heyer "...fat and a drain on society." The author of the article went on to state that "Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness. A 32-year-old woman without children is a burden on society and has no value." If you're not outraged by this, you're on the wrong side.

It's time to choose. You can't remain on the sidelines anymore. The enemy (evil) is at the gates. If you don't believe that, you're on the wrong side. Choose. Choose now.

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