Friday, August 11, 2017

Naivete or lack of compassion

In his Aug. 11 Indianapolis Star column, "Affirmative action has overstayed its welcome," Ruben Navarrette sides with Jeff Session's plan to end affirmative action in college and university admissions. There's no mention of Session's failure to investigate lower admissions standards for children of alumni and major donors. Navarrette claims affirmative action "stigmatizes recipients," but he proudly admits that affirmative action enabled his father to "get his badge (policeman's) and earn promotions." Navarrette then goes on to say that now that "my children are being raised in the suburbs by parents who have graduate degrees," that affirmative action has "overstayed its welcome." Apparently, Navarrette is naive enough to think that there are no longer any disadvantaged families similar to his father's or he feels that now that he and his family got their fair share of the "American dream" thanks to affirmative action he should no longer care about the plight of others.

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