Monday, February 13, 2017

Privilege in Action

This was a recent Facebook post:

I want my friends to understand that "staying out of politics" or being "sick of politics" is privilege in action.
Your privilege allows you to live a non-political existence. Your wealth, your race, your abilities, your religion, or your gender allows you to live a life in which you likely will not be a target of bigotry, attacks, deportation, or genocide. You don't want to get political, you don't want to fight because your life and safety are not at stake.
It is hard and exhausting to bring up issues of oppression (aka "get political"). The fighting is tiring. I get it. Self-care is essential. But if you find politics annoying and you just want everyone to be nice, please know that people are literally fighting for their lives and safety. You might not see it, but that's what privilege does.
I also want to say to my friends who are new to this, my friends who have recently become more vocal, my friends who've seen the damage #45 has done so far, my friends who went to the women's march -- I am proud of you for getting involved. Don't stop there. Keep having these discussions, keep talking about politics, stay active.
And when you read the critiques of the march from other progressive women who didn't feel represented, don't get defensive or discouraged. Activism needs critique. We need to ask ourselves where we were as Flint's water has been poisoned, or where we were when Philando Castile was killed, or John Crawford or Eric Garner. If the women who showed up at the march showed up when people of color were murdered, it would stop.
Intersectionality means showing up even when the issues don't affect us directly. Stay awake and stay active. We need you so much right now.
I am passing this on and hope you do the same. unfourtunately I am not quite sure who wrote it,  
- Kristen Tea by way of Marc by way of Grace Towers by way of Michelle Arce (edited to replace a word with #45) by way of Amy Grillo by way of Nora Bates Zale



“Responsibility I believe accrues through privilege. People like you and me have an unbelievable amount of privilege and therefore we have a huge amount of responsibility. We live in free societies where we are not afraid of the police; we have extraordinary wealth available to us by global standards. If you have those things, then you have the kind of responsibility that a person does not have if he or she is slaving seventy hours a week to put food on the table; a responsibility at the very least to inform yourself about power. Beyond that, it is a question of whether you believe in moral certainties or not.” 
― Noam Chomsky

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