Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Wizard of Trumpland

Gary Varvel's cartoon of February 2, 2017 depicts President Trump cutting the bonds of regulations, enabling "Business" to soar unfettered. How thrilling. If you subscribe to the myth of trickle-down economics, then you are probably ecstatic, just as Varvel hoped you would be. If you live in the real world, you may have a different response. Here are some real facts (which sadly must now be distinguished from alternative facts): in a deregulation frenzy, President Trump recently signed orders allowing coal companies to dump "debris" in nearby streams. This won't increase the demand for coal or the need for jobs but it will certainly improve Big Coal profits. Then President Trump overturned a rule requiring oil companies to disclose payments to foreign governments. The payments can now go to private individuals undetected. And for the week's finale, the President plans to overturn the Fiduciary Rule which requires brokers to operate in the best interests of their clients. Brokers will soon be able to recommend high-risk investments to retirees because they are more profitable to the brokers. Yes, Mr. Varvel, a picture is worth a thousand words. How soon until Trump supporters realize that what the cartoon doesn't depict is that someone is going to be left holding those regulations bags?

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