Friday, February 17, 2017

The Death of the EPA

This is what prosperity looks like to Scott Pruitt, the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As the former Attorney General in Oklahoma, Pruitt sued the EPA dozens of times. Pruitt's official state website refers to him as the "leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda." The Senate rushed to confirm Pruitt today before emails between Pruitt and the fossil fuel industry are released Tuesday as ordered by a Oklahoma court.

Pruitt plans to immediately eliminate the Clean Power Plan which restricts greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants and the Waters of the United States rule that designates which waterways are regulated by the federal government. The President just recently repeal the "stream protection rule" that prohibited dumping of waste into nearby streams. In Scott Pruitt's new world you definitely will want to avoid using water.

When asked by Sen. Tom Carper at the EPA nomination hearing to name one Clean Air Act regulation that he supported, Pruitt could not.


“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” 
― Jacques-Yves Cousteau

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