At night, when he climbs out of whatever wrench-tightened contraption he uses to keep his gelatinous pink hulk from spitting the seams of his suits, Trump will lay his head in chambers once occupied by the likes of Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy.
Trump says he began working on the speech three weeks ago in Fort Lauderdale. He even posted a picture of himself "writing" it. He's dressed in a suit and tie and frozen in an action pose with a pen and a legal pad, which must be his idea of what writing looks like.
If you're taking the day off, or even if you aren't, you may want to drink heavily during this moment in our anti-history. If that's your plan, we're here to help, with Donald Trump inauguration speech drinking game rules.
Recommended beverage: White Russian
Without further ado, here we go. Drink every time:
1. Trump deploys the "pinchy fingers" rhetorical maneuver, holding his hands out to his sides and waving them back and forth with Spaghetti-Oed mini-fingers. Make it a double if he uses his trademark "high-fives (or high-tens) the invisible ghost in front of him" move.
2. Trump berates or insults a media outlet, or gloats about one that is dying or dead.
3. Mike Pence holds a fake smile for 30 consecutive seconds. We have someone monitoring this, so I'll be tweeting it out if we have confirmed instances.
4. Trump name-checks a celebrity, or references The Apprentice.
5. Trump praises someone who until recently was a political enemy. Jager shot for Paul Ryan.
6. Trump doubles up a modifier, i.e. "many, many" or "very, very."
7. The crowd chants "Lock her up!"
8. Trump makes preemptive excuses for his incipient failures. This could mean just about anything, including long excoriations on the "mess" and "disaster" his predecessor left for him to clean up.
9. Trump references the popular vote vs. the Electoral College. Double if he claims he would have won the popular vote if he'd wanted to.
I can't bring myself to watch his speech or any part of his inauguration. I'll wait to hear from you or Bill Mahar or Trevor Noah or SNL.