Friday, January 13, 2017

Booker Disappoints

While the Trump Administration exhibits naked greed, there are those who operate much more covertly. Sadly, Sen. Cory Booker may be one of those. A possible candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020, Booker was one of just a few Democrats voting against a bill allowing Americans to purchase cheaper drugs from Canada under the guise of safety. Those drugs are manufactured and sold in the much higher prices. Is it a coincidence that Booker has received more contributions (over $250K) from Big Pharma; more than any other Democratic Senator?

 To learn more: read

If you want to make a difference by expressing your disappointment and/or displeasure, email Sen. Booker ( or contact him via Twitter @Senbookeroffice.

It is so very easy to accept news as fact when it agrees with your own worldview. There are so many outlets for news and fake news that one can too easily be misled. Don't rely on just one source. A perfect example is the above story. I did more research and discovered there was more to the story:

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