Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Your Health vs. Their Profits

Supporters of Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head the Environmental Protection Agency clearly believe the Oklahoma attorney general would be good for business. A climate denier and avowed foe of the agency he’s poised to head, Pruitt appeals to conservatives because he understands “that regulations affect our property rights, our ability to compete, and our livelihoods."

As Oklahoma Attorney General, Pruitt filed suit against the EPA challenging a regulation that limited carbon emissions from coal and oil-burning power plants that drifted into other states in the form of smog.

Conservatives groups complained about the estimated cost of implementation: $800 million. They chose not to consider that limiting emissions can amount to between $120 and $280 billion annually in health care savings.

Pruitt lost the suit when the Supreme Court upheld the regulation. But soon Pruitt will head the EPA and we will have a new Supreme Court.


Source: https://theintercept.com/2017/01/17/epa-under-scott-pruitt-could-cost-the-u-s-billions-in-additional-health-care-costs/

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